Time: | November 8, 2018, 7:00 p.m. (CET) |
Venue: | Hospitalhof Stuttgart, Büchsenstr. 33 |
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Migration, climate change and economic globalisation fundamentally transform human and social life in the 21st century. These transformative and potentially disruptive processes sharpen the prevailing global challenge to provide safe, adequate and affordable homes for everyone. Right to the City movements as well as recent international agreements thus highlight the centrality of the Human Right to Adequate Housing for urban development and call for a systematic approach to the housing challenge.
The housing shortage coincides with a financial abundance and indeed potential to provide homes for everyone. Yet, Prof. Raquel Rolnik argues, housing has been deconstructed as a social good since the late 20th century and instead transformed into a commodity and plaything for global financial actors, used as an entry point for generating rent-seeking landscapes and taking over cities and territories.
In this public keynote address, the former UN Special Rapporteur on Adequate Housing will discuss the “financialisation” of housing and sketch initial answers to questions about its effects on cities and their societies, the role and agency of the state as well as established and emerging contestations, resistance movements and alternatives.
A roundtable “Right to the City – Right to Adequate Housing” will continue the discussion with international scholars, urban specialists and the audience.
This event opens the 19th N-AERUS conference “Housing and Human Settlements in a World of Change”, which is hosted this year by the Department of International Urbanism at the University of Stuttgart.
An event of the Department of International Urbanism, University of Stuttgart, DFG, IZKT, City of Stuttgart and Engagement Global.